Hmmmm. I love this prompt. Mind has been a fascinating audiobook (Wellness by Nathan Hill) that really approaches the role belief has in our lives (way more than just religious belief; more like belief in the future), body has been farmers-market stoneground grits that just cook up so creamy and perfect as a base for a fast meal. Soul? Listening to my little dude tell me silly stories about trains and trucks in the car as we go between parts of our day. :)

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Oooh, I'll have to check out Wellness when I find the time! That one sounds right up my alley. Also, I don't think we have ever discussed my undying love for grits and my kids' unfair dislike of them. Sigh. I love the silly stories our kids make up while in the car; their imaginations are so fun and creative! My oldest has been making up story songs all summer long during long road trips. :) Thanks for doing your homework, Laura!

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