I believe it’s so important to hear about mother’s stories during the pandemic and we have not heard enough of them. It makes me so sad that the publishing world has decided we have heard enough. I’ve been querying a novel about a woman who loses herself in motherhood and marriage that is set in the container of the pandemic and I’ve heard a lot of the same things you have from agents. But then I hear from mothers that they would absolutely read a book about that experience because they’re still trying to work out what happened to them.

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Thank you for sharing! This was so well written and vulnerably honest 💗

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Thank you for taking time to read. I hope that life settles a bit for you soon!

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I really think editors are getting it wrong here... I'd be so interested in reading your novel! Part of the reason that I write is to (one day) share my lived experience with my own daughters, so that they can perhaps understand the reason behind my choices and also the deep, deep love. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts here, Ariane!

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Dec 17
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Wow, Remo. Thank you for reading and for sharing what you have here. It goes against all reason, but it works. Absolutely. I've been learning so much about myself through this new-ish writing practice. I'm elated to hear that you have discovered yourself through writing, as well. ❤️

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