That Gilbert quote hits home today. Thanks for sharing! Keeping an open heart despite ALL the things is life’s work. Let me know if you figure it out, haha. Hope the rest gave you some peace, friend.

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That memoir sounds epic, I’ll have to look it up. Sounds right up my street ❤️✨

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Huge Khurangabin fan! I had tickets to seee them a few years ago when they were first touring and I got Covid! I have been sad about that ever since.

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We were first introduced to them when we lived in Austin (sometime between 2011-2014). While we were living in NYC, we got to see them live in concert at Brooklyn Steel, and this past year, we got to see them here in Asheville. Their music is my go-to when I need to emotionally regulate! Glad to meet another Khruangbin fan! :)

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